A proof for God?

Category :Uncategorized

Way back when I started this blog (about a week ago) I discussed the unprovability of the non-existence of God. Today I want to sketch some ideas on how maybe to show the existence of God.

First of all: No, this will in no way be a scientific reasoning. On the Internet there are numerous attempts to do so. Some are funny, ridiculous, stupid or plain audacious. (For example Leonard Euler’s arguments against Denis Diderot.) And I fear that the never ending repetition of the same trains of thought will eventually lead to nowhere, for their tracks go in circles. And no, as there is no absolute proof that there is no God, there is none that there is. And that is mainly because of the word “god” and what it means to each individual. For all we know gravity can be god. I mean, it literally holds the universe together. Without it, live would be impossible. So, when I bend the word god enough I can claim to have found him. (I don’t know, are there people who worship gravity?)

If I think about god as a esoteric energy (like The Force in the old Star Wars trilogy, not with this midichlorian-nonsense) it is close to impossible to prove. The only thing in Star Wars that points toward it are Jedis. For everybody else The Force has no noticeable impact. Even any other kind of god that does not in any super-natural way interact with the universe is improvable. So if we are trying to find God this is our first hint: We need an interacting god.

But I think it goes even beyond that. We need a god that interacts with us personally. (Gravity would still fulfill the requirements if we can call it super-natural.) For any “proof ” of God that does not include ourselves stays hear-say. But even further God would have to be interested enough that he would react. When we conduct an experiment so to say, God must be nice enough to work with us. (When kids play hide and seek at the playground and one leaves the set perimeter he will not be found but he is also not playing along. Yes, he is a party pooper. We need a God that “plays along”. Now we unfortunately loose our old friend gravity. He would in this picture not hide but stay right next to us until we are done counting. But not hiding is also not playing along.)

Within the limits of what I would call a god (all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present) that is the only way how I see any possibility to show the existence of God. Of cause every person has other ideas of what is a god. (For me, for example, trees would have a hard time getting on the list. And no, gravity is also not on it.) So I might miss a form of god which existence could be shown. If you have one, let me know.

So what kind of experiment would be suitable? I suggest an honest “God, if you exist, let me know”. For if God hears us (all-present) and is personal, (s)he can show him-/ or herself to us. As long as (s)he plays along. If (s)he is all-powerful it could be in a conclusive way. And all-knowing (s)he would exactly know how.

Yep, that is plain weird. But why? Isn’t it logical also to approach the person of God in a scientific and open-minded manner? We have nothing to loose then the 5 seconds it takes to say that. But we could get a “yes” to a question that until now only had “I don’t know” as an answer. The question “Is there a God?” Unfortunately the implications would be tremendous.

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